
Bottom of Inokashira Pond Tour

Today, I participated in "the Bottom of the Pond Tour" of the dried Inokashira Pond.

The start of the tour - it was very well attended.

We were allowed to go down to the pond.

The bridge by the water well.

These used to be where the pumps were situated to move then abundant water.

We really walked a lot in the mud.

The view of Nanai Bridge from the tour.

Frog eggs were found.

Animal and bird walk prints.

Nanai Bridge.

Looking northwest side of the pond.

Plant roots hanging from the rocks.

Items thrown into the pond.

The pond will be filled again by the middle of next month to be ready for cherry blossoms.

Tamagawa Josui Park, and New Road, etc.

I reported about the new road being built about 4 months ago - this is an update.

I first ran down Kanda River about 7 km (towards downtown).

A big field is being fixed, too.

Below are photos of the park which was built over Tamagawa Josui - it is very long.

I did see some children playing.

Interesting ornaments on the wall.

A park close from the intersection of Kanpachi and Koshukaido.

Right by Fujimigaoka Field is the start of the new road along Tamagawa Josui.

Looks they are trying to finish it, soon.


A Local Run for a Change

I went for a nice run this morning - in the neighborhood for a change.

Plum blossoms are very nice now.

A soba restaurant close from Jindaiji Temple.

Plum trees in a field.

A memorial statue on the side of a road.

A yard of a house in Mure area.


Izu Oshima Visit

I had a great over-night stay at the island of Izu Oshima over the weekend.

The island is famous for beautiful camellia flowers.

A poster of Camellia Festival in our hotel.

Childrens' dance team at "Evening Festival".

Yosakoi dancers.

Drummers were fantastic.

Traditional dancers in the famous local outfit.

Everyone danced together at the end.

Yesterday morning - the mayor making a speech at the opening ceremony of the 10K run.

Runners before the starting of the run.

The run was attended by some 1,000 people.  Actually, 14,000 runners registered, but because of the bad weather, 400 could not come.  It was fun, but the course was very hilly - also had a lot of wind and some down pour during the race.


A Morning Run in Paris.

My time in Paris, France was very limited, but I could fit a nice morning run on Tuesday.

From my hotel, I first run to La Seine.

Then I ran in Louvre.

Looking up the  Tower.

A golden statue of Jeanne d'Arc.


Scenes of Madrid

Aside from the nice run in the park, I could take a walk in Madrid to see interesting things over the weekend.

Figures of people of the old time looking down from windows.

The monument of Cervantes with Don Qujote.

Lion statued in front of Congreso de los Diputados.

Interesting graffiti.

The signature monument of King Charles III.

 The bear is the symbol of Madrid.

The old street.

A statue of Francisco Goya.

Ingres special exhibition was on at the Prado.

Roller skaters on the street in front of the Prado.