
Mishima Taisha

I had an overnight stay in the city of Mishima, a historic city close from Mt. Fuji. Unfortunately, the entire time I was there, low clouds did not allow a view of the mountain.

Although I did not have much time, I could take a nice jog in the morning of Friday.
One place I made sure to run to was Mishima Taisha. At this shrine in 1180 AD, Minamoto no Yoritomo prayed for victory over then ruling Samurai Clan - Heike , the legend says.

Here is the entrance to Mishima Taisha.

The Main building of the shrine.

An Ema dipicting Daikokuten. The flowers at the top of the picture are sakura (cherry blossom). Although it is an unusually warm winter this year, I was surprised to see them so early!

Emas depicting Minamoto no Yoshitsune.

Here's me in a silver ball - coming back to my hotel from the shrine.