
Sudden weather changes

We've had Indian Summer since Thursday in Tokyo - had a lot of sunshine so we could shed our coats during the day. The weather man said that the temp. level was that of late March!
Below are photos of the moon seen on Thursday night and Friday morning - nothing to do with the topic of today, but I think these photos turned out nicely, so am positing them.

The moon seen in the evening of Thursday

(high in the eastern sky).

The moon seen in the morning of Friday

(setting in the western sky).

Our stock of firewood is diminishing.

The plum flowers have bloomed in our yard - very pretty.

But in PM of today, northern wind is back and it became a VERY windy/gusty day - brought a lot of ceder pollen as well as yellow sand dust from China. Not at all a nice day for allergic person like me.

1 comment:

datadawak said...
